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Federal Pacific, Zinsco or Sylvania Breaker Replacement

Count on our expert electricians for a modern, up-to-code replacement.

Safety Notice: Over half of homes across the North Bay have potentially faulty circuit breakers. This might sound alarming, but it’s true—and if your home has one, your safety may be at risk. The best thing to do in this situation is to contact Anderholm Electric about Federal Pacific, Zinsco or Sylvania breaker replacement, as these three brands have become infamous for their defective components.

Old electrical panel

Why Do I Need Federal Pacific, Zinsco or Sylvania Breaker Replacement?

You need to prioritize replacing your Federal Pacific, Zinsco or Sylvania breakers because they aren’t safe, even if they seem to be functioning properly. These breakers are known to seem “fine” for years, even decades, and then suddenly start overheating or melting.

And where there’s smoke, there’s fire. A panel that’s melting or warm to the touch has a very high risk of escalating into a house fire.

Worst of all, you often can’t see these issues with the naked eye. Instead, your breakers are no longer able to trip when they’re supposed to… but you won’t find that out until a fire breaks out.

Electrical Panel Upgrade

How to Tell if Your Circuit Breakers Are Putting Your Home at Risk

First things first, if you already know that you have recalled or outdated breakers, then you know your home is at risk. Otherwise, here are the electrical issues that indicate you may need Federal Pacific, Zinsco or Sylvania breaker replacement:

  • Some of your breakers are visibly corroded
  • You’ve seen melted electrical wires anywhere in your home
  • Your appliances are running at low power or not operating well
  • You smell a burning “plastic-y” or “chemical-like” odor in your home
  • You’re constantly plugging and unplugging appliances from your “good” outlets
  • Smaller appliances like your microwave or coffee maker trip the breaker

Just one of these issues is a clear sign that dangers are present in your home’s wiring and breaker box. Ignoring them can lead to major issues like a house fire.

Contact Anderholm Electric immediately at (707) 634-2540 if you’ve noticed any of the above symptoms.

Don’t Jeopardize Your Home Insurance Policy

Contact Anderholm Electric Today

Major insurance companies are legally canceling home insurance policies for properties that have Federal Pacific, Zinsco or Sylvania breakers. Plus, building and home inspectors have been calling out the dangers for many years. FOX News even reported on how these recalls impact homeowners.

Perhaps most impactful of all is the fact that major cities across CA like Berkeley are prioritizing replacing these panels due to all the safety concerns.

And don’t just take our word for it—click on the links in this section to see official statements from these organizations.

All in all, we can’t overstate the importance of Federal Pacific, Zinsco or Sylvania breaker replacement for your home ASAP. Contact Anderholm Electric at (707) 634-2540 to start your estimate.

Electrical panel box

Federal Pacific, Zinsco or Sylvania Breaker Replacement

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are Federal Pacific, Zinsco and Sylvania breaker boxes problematic?

Federal Pacific, Zinsco and Sylvania breaker boxes are problematic because they don’t work the way they’re supposed to. Breakers often won’t flip when they need to, which can cause overheating, melting, and fires.

Plus, these breaker boxes don’t come close to meeting today’s electrical codes and safety standards. Even newer models are known to fall short of these regulations and experience major defects.

What can happen if I ignore my faulty circuit breakers?

If you ignore your faulty circuit breakers, you’re opening yourself up to a wide range of dangerous electrical hazards, such as:

  • Inconvenience – In the best-case scenario, faulty breakers will disrupt day-to-day life and take up a lot of your time
  • High utility bills – A faulty breaker is an inefficient breaker, which means spikes in your energy bills
  • Appliance issues – If your breakers don’t flip at the right time, your appliances can malfunction or fail entirely
  • An electrical fire – Whether your breakers overheat or shoot sparks, either is enough to cause a fire, putting your home and your life at risk
  • Electrocution – Even if you take proper precautions, a faulty breaker can deliver a powerful electric shock
  • Loss of insurance – As mentioned above, your home insurance policy provider may refuse to cover your home until you upgrade your breakers

Is replacing a circuit breaker a DIY job?

When it comes to Federal Pacific, Zinsco or Sylvania breaker replacement, no, this project is absolutely not a DIY job. Because your breakers are already faulty, even if you followed a thorough guide perfectly, you’d still be putting yourself at risk. This is a job for the licensed, insured experts at Anderholm Electric.

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